Kimberly’s Resources
Since I have been living with ALS for quite some time, I’ve found a number of resources and programs that have been extremely helpful. I wanted to share that information with others living with ALS, hoping it might make their lives easier as well.
Patients Like Me: Connect with other ALS patients for practical information.
Helping Hands : Make it easy for friends and family to help.
Emory ALS Clinic: Consider going to an ALS clinic.
Clinical Trials : Keep up with clinical trials.
Diaphram Pacemaker: Check out the diaphram pacemaker before your respiratory system is too compromised.
ALS Association: Check with ALSA to see if they have equipment you need in their loaner closet.
Canada Drugs: Try Quinine to help avoid muscle cramps.
Melatonin: Try using this great sleep aid if you have trouble falling asleep. Melatonin is all natural and has been shown to slow progession of ALS in mice.
Sprint Relay: Use Sprint Relay to make phone calls if necessary.
I also thought some people might be interested in seeing my current equipment setup. Jin and Abbie did a great job organizing everything I needed after I got a trache.